IT Services

Informations about the newest technologies

How does
Office 365 work?

Office 365 is a very popular Cloud from Microsoft. In brief, Office 365 is designed for businesses of all sizes. This includes the Exchange e-mail services, also offers the latest Office software such as Word, Excel, Outlook, etc. In addition to this, you also get access to Office Web Apps suite, OneDrive, Pro cloud storage, and Sharepoint online. If you have no idea what that means, there is no problem! Simply put, basically move your business in Office 365 cloud. This will allow your staff to work remotely and securely from anywhere with just an Internet connection. With different plans tailored for businesses of all sizes, this is definitely a product worth analyzed. Filosoft can guide you step by step for a easy transition to Office 365, from planning to implementation to support.

User Benefits

  • All users use the same version of Office - the last version available on the market;
  • Office Mobile for Windows phones and tablets, Android, iOS;
  • You can install Office and Home PC / MAC (total home and office user installs = 10 installations per user);
  • Access to information anytime, anywhere who has been entrusted by the IT manager or the company;
  • Access based on user name and password;
  • Without complicated methods of accessing information or company emails;
  • Regardless of their devices, content, data, settings will be the same for each user;
  • Simultaneous processing of a document by multiple users without conflicts appearing in content;
  • Users can work even if they do not have Internet access, with the Office suite installed, automatically synchronizing modified documents when Internet connection returns;
  • Immediately blocking mobile devices or tablets in case of theft, damage or loss.

Technical Advantages

  • Changing perceptions from capital consumer to business supporter ;
  • Input operational deployment of your company / employees;
  • Management of access rights to company data for each user;
  • Server management hardware migration from Office 365 service administration;
  • No more worrying about servers and surges;
  • Seamless and immediate access to the company for each user added up infrastructure;
  • Flexibility in adding or removing users;
  • Securing smartphones and tablets;
  • Controlling and securing emails and company information;
  • Financial service guaranteed annual availability of 99.9%;
  • High security.

Financial Benefits

  • Monthly or annual payment for each user;
  • Reduce costs by eliminating own servers;
  • Elimination of large electricity consumers (servers, air conditioning);
  • Space economy;
  • Save money on your phone bill - employees talk to each other for free through Lync Online;
  • Without large upfront investment (in servers);
  • Without financial projections for server management;
  • Migrating from capital expenditures to operational expenses;
  • Minimum investment in licensing (per user);
  • Small monthly fees , fixed and easy to estimate;
  • Predictabiliaty: monthly expenses and / or annual.

What is virtualization?

Virtualization is a technology that share and allocate hardware resources of a server in more “virtual machines”, operation that allows you to have an average utilization rate of natural resources 10 times higher. In other words, the hardware virtualization software turns and creates the possibility of simultaneous running of multiple operating systems on a single computer.

Doing so, you save money and time because you do not need so many hardware, which is reflected in the decrease of the budget for the purchase and operation of IT hardware and reducing electricity bills payment. In addition, management will be centralized servers. Virtualization exponentially increase employee productivity, enabling automatic installation of software and applications on virtual machines, update and dynamic update, and zeroing time that servers are offline for maintenance. It also protects critical data and corporate applications so your business does not have “downtime”.

The rules of good practice prescribe “one aplication per server”, because multiple aplications installed simultaneously are in danger of blocking in case one of them has a problem. On the long term, this practice has resulted in the use of aproximately 8% of the CPU capacity per server. The advent of virtualization has dramatically changed the “traditional” approach. Thus, in case one application ceases to function, the others will work, because the applications run on independent, separate virtual machines, even if they are located in the same physical space. Additionally, even if the server hardware crashes, virtualization has the functionality to move all virtual and real-time information on another server, and the entire activity of the company is not affected.

Why do you need virtualization and what can it help you with

Virtualization improves impressive efficiency and availability of resources and applications in your organization. Internal resources are often underutilized under the old approach "one server = one application" and not infrequently, system administrators spend too little time for innovation. An automated datacenter built on the VMware platform will help performance market faster and more efficiently than you ever did. VMware delivers resources, applications and servers exactly the right place at the right time. VMware customers save costs generally about 50-70 % of IT costs by consolidating range of resources and delivery of machines with high availability.


  • Run multiple operating systems on a single machine ( including Windows , Linux )
  • Run Windows virtually on your Mac to ensure running Windows applications
  • Reduce total costs by increasing the efficiency of energy consumption by reducing hardware requirements
  • Make sure that your applications running with high availability and maximum performance
  • Ensure business continuity plan through advanced solutions of "Disaster Recovery"
  • Improve desktop control management& type sistems with solutions and fast installation by reducing the number of incidents caused by software incompatibilities